Summer 2019 Update

Its been 5 months since my last post. There were so many things that have happened, most of them good and I will share them via multiple blog posts, IG, FB and Youtube.
I will try to be more consistent and post at least every week or two. I always tell myself to write daily but I often get tired and distracted. Summer is almost over and I’m ready for the new season “fall” which is my 2nd favorite time of year. Spring is my #1 since my birthday happens to be in March.
Recap since my last post in March
1. I had my birthday celebration in Cali – LA for the weekend. I always want to travel out for my birthday and if only I was richer, we’d go out of the country with the 5 of us every year.
2. We also went to Cali again in the first week of May. I had planned to go with Angel to our first BTS concert experience but it was sold out and expensive. We plan to go next year in 2020. Anyways, we went to Disneyland, much thanks to Paula for the free passes. It was nice but tiring with the two.
My parents and other relatives from Maui came to visit mid May and so it was great to be with them every night they were here in Vegas. We did eat alot more than usual- but it was all good.
3. We also had Jaselle 4th birthday @ LOL kids club in June. Other than that, I just worked, did some planning and preparing for our trip to PI and S. Korea in July.
4. July was the best month because I was off work for 2.5 weeks and out on vacation . We finally got to use our passports and go out on a real vacation. I will upload photos and videos on a separate post but here are some photos we have from LAS to MNL to DVO and ICN.
Those are the airport codes as follows:
LAS – Las Vegas, NV ??
MNL – Manila, Philippines ??
DVO – Davao, Philippines ??
ICN – Incheon, South Korea ??
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