Passive Income Ideas to help you make money in 2021 part ii
Passive income is money you earn in a way that requires little to no daily effort to maintain. Some passive income ideas—like renting out property or building a blog—may take some work to get up and running, but they could eventually earn you money while you sleep.
Below are more ways to earn passive income.
Save, Save, Save!
Talk about your passive income streams! How much more passive can you get than socking your money into a high-yield savings account and just watching the interest add up?
We’ve all enjoyed this benefit since childhood: going down to the bank and opening up an account with our lawn-mowing earnings, then watching eagerly as those pennies compound.
So long as the bank you choose is backed by the FDIC, your risk with this stream of income is pretty low. Just save up a few thousand dollars and aim for the highest interest rate possible.
Online banks can have interest rates that are 10 times more than your local brick and mortar bank (sometimes even more than that). Just do a bit of homework and make sure they’ve got that official backing to protect your investment.
You can even transfer money from your primary bank to the online one (and vice versa). This is a simple method of earning that just requires that initial investment of cash. The more you have, of course, means the more you earn in the end. There’s almost no risk at all if you’ve got that FDIC insurance up to around $250,000.
The only problem that might arise if the economy weakens. In that case, the interest rates will tend to drop and you won’t get as much of a payout as you would otherwise.
Invest in an REIT
This stands for Real Estate Investment Trust and it’s just a fancy term for any company that owns and handles real estate. They usually own and/or manage commercial properties (either the physical property or the mortgage on that property). They tend to focus on a specific group of properties, like medical care or shopping centers or hotels.
An REIT is like a stock share. They’re structured so that they pay little or no income tax so long as they pass most of their earnings along to their shareholders. You buy an REIT just like any other stock on the market and earn dividends several times a year as with other high-yield dividend stocks.
Retail REITS (shopping malls and freestanding retail businesses) account for about 24% of investments in America – that’s the biggest investment by type in the country. When you’re thinking about investing in an REIT, you need to look at the whole retail industry. Is it healthy and likely to stay so – or are things looking rocky?
Remember the REIT firm is getting their income from the rent of its tenants, so if you’ve got a shopping center or business that’s got a high turnover rate, it’s probably not going to generate as much income as you’d like.
You might think about aiming at traditionally “safer” real estate investments like grocery or home improvement stores. Keep in mind, also, that a lot of shopping is shifting to online. That shopping mall may not even be in existence in ten or twenty years.
There are also residential REITs, which focus on apartment buildings and manufactured housing.
With this type of REIT, you’ll want to look at location. For example, the best apartment markets are where there are less homes available, like in large urban centers. The largest residential REITS tend to focus on areas like this.
You should also look at population and job growth. As long as the apartment supply in your market stays low and demand is increasing, your residential REIT should perform well.
Healthcare REITS invest in the real estate of hospitals, medical centers, nursing facilities and retirement homes. This is probably going to be one of the investment areas to watch as our Baby Boomers grow older and require more skilled care.
However, remember that the success of the REIT is tied to the healthcare system. So long as the healthcare funding remains questionable, so do these REITs. Look for companies with a lot of healthcare experience.
There are also office REITs who handle office rentals. There are 4 basic questions you want to ask when investing in this area:
• How high is the unemployment rate?
• What are their vacancy rates like?
• What’s the economy like in the area you’ll be investing
• How much capital does the REIT have?
Think of investing in “economic strongholds.” In other words, it’s better to have a bunch of average office buildings in DC than to have primo space in Detroit.
Dividends from a good REIT can even increase yearly, so you might just end up with a growing stream of dividends over time.
There’s a bit of research involved with this stream, as with any stock purchase. You want to be sure to pick the best REITs that will increase your earnings instead of dropping in value. You’ll also need that initial outlay of cash to get the ball rolling.
One way to minimize your risk is to buy into an Exchange-Traded Fund (ETF) than diversifies by investing in lots of different REITs instead of sinking everything into just one individual trust. These often have lower risk ratios so you can gain exposure to real estate trading without as much risk as investing in an individual company.
You do need to do your homework with an REIT or ETF. Even though it’s considered passive income, you can lose big if you choose the wrong ones. You’ll want to start analyzing these companies like you did for the regular stocks. It takes a bit of time and effort before you can pick out the best choices.
A tough economy can take a big bite out of your income stream as well. If your REIT doesn’t create enough income, it might reduce the dividend or cut it out entirely. That could be distrauous because a tough economy is just when you’ll need that passive income coming in.
Build a Bond Ladder
This is a portfolio of fixed-income bonds that mature over a period of years at different times. This lets you decrease your reinvestment risk by minimizing your exposure to fluctuating interest rates.
Let’s say you buy a five-year bond at a fixed interest rate – but two years from now, interest rates go up. Your bond is still chugging away at that lower rate and there’s no way to change it.
However, if you have different maturation rates, you might be able to roll over some of your bonds and take advantage of that better rate. You can take the same amount of initial investment and stagger your maturation times so you’re more likely to be able to profit from the market.
Another example: you purchase a 2-year bond and get a 1% yield on that. You also purchase a 4-year bond for 2% yield, a 6-year bond for 2.5% yield, and an 8-year bond with 3% yield. In two years, when the first bond matures, you reinvest the proceeds in a new 8-year bond with 3% yield – and continue this practice as your bonds mature (assuming interest rates stay the same or increase, of course).
Charles Schwab of suggests buying a minimum of ten securities for diversification. The idea is to take the total amount you’re planning to invest, with the goal being to extend your ladder as long as possible. He suggests a minimum of $100,000 to be invested with ten rungs of $10,000 each.
One benefit to having at least six rungs is that you can easily build a ladder that will generate monthly income, since each bond will pay out twice a year. You’ll also want to consider the spacing between rungs. The longer the ladder, the higher your income is likely to be, since those are the bonds that will give you higher yields. Of course, going long tends to increase your risk, as we discussed above. You may reduce your income a bit by buying shorter-maturing bonds, but it’ll be safer in the long run.
Just like a physical ladder, you build this one with different material. In this case, different types of bonds or CDs. As each one matures, you just reinvest the principal in new bonds with the longest term you originally chose for your ladder. If interest rates go up, you can reinvest at higher rates; if they go down, you’ll still have some bonds locked in at a higher rate to fall back on.
Bond ladders do come with risks, of course, such as the interest rate may fall. And since bonds are not backed by the federal government (like corporate bonds), you might lose your principal.
And just like stocks and REITs, you’ll want to own many different bonds to diversify your risk. You can find a bond ETF just like an REIT ETF, that will give you a portfolio of bonds you can build a ladder from. This will greatly decrease your risk of a single bond hurting your returns.
Rent Your Free Space
You’re probably not actually using that spare bedroom for anything other than storage, right? Why not fix the room up a bit and rent it out?
It just takes a bit of time and effort to clean and de-clutter the space. You can advertise on lots of different websites like Airbnb or Zillow and set the rental terms yourself.
If you rent to a longer-term tenant, you’ll be collecting a check with minimal extra effort on your part. Short term tenants bring risks we’ll talk about in a minute, that you might want to stay away from.
In fact, nowadays your rental space doesn’t even have to be a room. You can put up a tent in your backyard and rent a camping experience if you live in a scenic area. You can rent the whole backyard for a party space if you’ve got it decorated and have a barbecue pit and/or a pool. People will stay almost anywhere if it’s interesting enough.
The first step is to check out the local laws. Call your housing authority or check out the local government website to find information about renting a room in your area. Your home owner’s association may have additional laws regarding rental as well, so check with them before you advertise.
Many city ordinances require renters to have access to clean running water and working plumbing. Some cities require a room to have windows large enough to be used as a fire escape – or even to have outdoor access. You’ll need to check the laws before you rent.
Check out the fair housing laws at the US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), too. You’ll need to create a tenant screening criteria form which will protect you if someone decides to file a discrimination claim against you. This lists everything to keep in mind when considering a prospective tenant. It’s a little more work, but it may help you avoid a hefty legal fee. You can find free examples of this form online.
Once you make sure you’re legally allowed to rent a room in your home, check your homeowner’s insurance to make sure it’s approved. Some companies don’t have a problem, but others won’t allow it – and some will raise your rates if you rent.
Tenants increase your liability and risk of property damage, so you might even have to get landlord insurance (which costs 15-20% more than homeowner’s insurance).
Check comparable rental rates in your area to find out how much rent you can reasonably charge. You can use to check this out.
Using a service like or can help find a compatible tenant for your space.
When it comes to building passive income channels that will help you experience true financial freedom, Greg McBride, chief financial analyst at Bankrate says, “You’ll catch more fish with multiple lines in the water.”
So, don’t be afraid to venture into other passive income avenues or launch multiple businesses in different industries or niches! Just be sure to research each market thoroughly or hire an expert to both prepare and mentor you throughout the process.
With a little time, effort, and a lot of determination, you can generate a nice, solid passive stream of income for years to come.
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Passive Income Ideas to help you make money
If you’ve been looking for ways of generating passive income, this special report will provide you with many different options. Some of the opportunities will require start-up capital while other options will only require your time and effort.
Whether you want to be able to free yourself from the daily grind and still generate a full-time income, or you just want more time to spend with friends and family or perhaps traveling the world, passive income is the key!
Passive Income is any income that requires little or no ongoing work to maintain. Ideally, your passive income businesses will require absolutely no work to maintain, but occasionally you can increase your income by expanding on your passive income channels, or by combining more than one.
You can always outsource these tasks and eliminate them from your own schedule as well.
In this special report, we’ll discuss the top tips and strategies for creating streams of passive income so you can enjoy true financial freedom.
Let’s begin!
Sell Your Knowledge
One popular passive income stream that doesn’t require a lot of start-up capital is selling your knowledge in the form of a book (digital or physical), or through an online course or training program.
Some of the best types of digital content are “how-to” books that teach people specific skills that improve their lives somehow.
In addition, it’s very easy to self-publish a book with the Amazon KDP platform. No longer do you have to try to land a publishing contract! You can simply create a free Amazon Publishers account and upload your manuscript.
Visit to get started.
Tips: Be sure you price your book at $3.99 or higher so Amazon will give you a 70% return. You’ll need a professionally designed cover, as well.
Check out for affordable cover designers. You can also outsource editing, proofreading or outsource the entire book!
Creating a course will take a bit more time. You’ll want to invest in a professional microphone and you’ll need a room where you won’t be interrupted by outside noise while you’re recording your lessons.
There are many different microphones on Amazon that will help you create clear, pitch-perfect audio files, but our favorite is the Blue Yeti. It runs for around $100 and is one of the best microphones you’ll find at this price point.
Tip: You should also consider grabbing a pop filter that will help block out background noise when you’re recording.
Screen Recording Software:
When it comes to screen recorders, I highly recommend ScreenFlow if you’re a Mac user. You’ll be able to create high- quality videos in a matter of minutes using this one tool.
If you’re on a PC, check out Camtasia available here:
In addition, you can either create a “talking head” video course or use a slideshow with a voiceover. We’ve seen both types of courses work well.
You’ll need a good platform to host your course and process payments. There are many to choose from, but the most popular ones are:
When choosing the topic for your online course, consider:
• What are you most passionate about?
• What do you enjoy doing when you have free time? • What skills have you learned over the past year?
Remember, everyone is an expert at something!
There’s no risk with this stream of passive income. It will take time, but once your content is created you’ll be able to generate passive income from new customers’ day after day without having to update the course material very often.
Property Rentals
Rental properties are a proven method for generating passive income, but it comes with some definite risks. John H. Graves, a Los Angeles Fiduciary, recommends that you determine three things before getting started:
• How much return do you want from your investment?
• What total costs and expenses will you incur from this
• What financial risks are you running with this investment?
In addition, this is one of the passive income streams that does require periodic injections of cash for upkeep of the property. You need to be realistic with your expected returns, as well.
For example, you can’t reasonably expect to charge thousands of dollars in monthly rent in a less-desirable neighborhood.
If you want to start investing in rental properties, we recommend talking to the experts, doing a lot of research online, and checking out the properties yourself to be sure you’re getting exactly what you’re paying for.
You don’t have to float the entire cost of the property yourself, though. There are plenty of opportunities to collaborate with other investors and become a part-owner of a larger property. Do some Google surfing.
A company called Roofstock will hook you up with single-family homes you can purchase and rent out.
With Realtymogul, you can invest as little as $1,000 and become a part-owner in a larger property. Just be sure the platform you’re using is a reputable one.
Paid Ads & Affiliate
Paid ads and sponsorships is where you “rent” space on your website or social media account to a third-party seller and receive a commission either just for showcasing the offer or per action (such as when someone clicks on an ad and makes a purchase from your site, etc.)
Affiliate marketing and paid advertising is a great way to generate passive income, however it will require that you have an existing blog or website that can generate a good amount of high-quality, targeted traffic in order to convert that into commissions, or be able to attract sponsorships and paid advertisers.
Amazon is probably the best-known affiliate partner, and one of the easiest to work with. Other well-known sources include ShareaSale and
You can find additional affiliate networks here:
And if you have a large social media following, you could get paid to become an influencer. Check out for details.
The effort involved in starting up this passive income stream involves building your platform. You need a relatively large following to make the most from this income opportunity.
In order to build that sort of platform, you’ll need to put the effort into creating a website that gives followers something of value. This means, you’ll be required to do quite a bit upfront work, suchas: updating your website or blog regularly and giving your followers quality content they’ll enjoy enough to keep coming back.
This is one of the streams that also requires upkeep, as you must maintain your website or social media account to keep the followers you have and continue to attract new ones.
Your website or social media account should be something you’re passionate about, something you’ll be motivated to post regularly about. You’re not selling anything on your platform – your goal is to be original, be creative, be real, and attract followers.
There’s really not much risk with this stream of passive income and it can be exceptionally lucrative; you just need to be willing to dedicate the time and effort upfront to get the ball rolling.
Here’s some information to help you get started:
And here’s a calculator that will help you determine what you could potentially earn: rates
High-Yield CDs
Investing in a high-yield certificate of deposit allows you to take advantage of some of the highest interest rates in the country in order to generate a nice passive income stream.
First, you’ll want to do a Google search of your country’s top CD rates and check out the interest rates.
You’ll probably want to use an online bank to get that top rate. So long as that bank is backed by the FDIC, your principal investment is protected (up to $250,000).
The only real risk with high-yield CDs is rising inflation, but at the moment, that doesn’t look like much of a threat. Keep an eye on the market and you can easily avoid that risk in the future.
Peer-To-Peer Lender
This is a personal loan where you’re fronting the money through a third-party intermediary like Prosper, Funding Circle, or LendingClub and making money through the interest paid by your borrowers.
P2P loans are conducted online, so you don’t actually have to meet with your borrowers in person. It’s a more streamlined process, too, but in order to make a P2P loan work out, you need to do a good bit of research and learn all about the market. This is a passive income stream that requires both time and money up front.
The best way to handle this stream is to diversify: invest smaller amounts over several different loans instead of loaning a large sum to one party.
At, you can loan as little as $25. You’ll want to investigate your potential borrowers, too. Make sure they’ll be a good risk by checking their past loan history.
It does take time to master the techniques of peer-to-peer lending, so plan on a bit of effort at the beginning until you learn the ropes. You’ll probably be dealing with Millennials, for example, who are five times more likely to fund their small businesses with a P2P loan than Generation X. You’ll also probably want to reinvest the interest on those loans and build up your income.
Risks with this income stream include being disorganized and missing payments – you have to keep up with all of those small loans and stay on top of the payments. You might run the risk of a default if the economy takes a downturn, too.
Dividend-Yielding Stocks
If you’d like to invest your money in a company with dividend- yielding stocks, you’ll receive a dividend check a few times a year without having to do anything other than put in your initial investment. These dividends depend on how many shares of stock you own, so it’s a good way to invest a larger sum of money.
You’ll also want to put in some research effort for this passive income stream. Choosing the right stocks is essential. You want something that’s going to increase in value over time, not decrease.
Spend at least a couple of weeks investigating each company you’re considering, so you’re familiar with their financial statements and can tell whether or not they’re likely to go up in value.
John H. Graves has another recommendation for dividend stocks, especially for novices: try ExchangeTtraded-Funds (ETFs).
These are investment funds that hold assets such as stocks, commodities, and bonds, but they trade like stocks. They’re easy to understand and inexpensive compared to regular dividend stocks. They cost less than mutual funds and are easy to liquidate when you need to.
Another big risk (besides picking the wrong stocks) is that stocks and ETFs can drop in value significantly if the market takes a downturn (as it did early in the global pandemic).
Blog Income Report: How Bloggers Make Money Online

If you’re a new blogger and want to know how bloggers make money online, this post is for you.
This isn’t the typical blog income report you read as I’m writing this from my personal background in blogging.
When I started my blog, it was with the intention that this was going to be a side hustle income and eventually I can quit my corporate job and be a travel and lifestyle blogger and influencer. I had this vision of I’m going to share my writing, photos and videos of my travel and lifestyle experiences and ultimately live the dream lifestyle of being an online entrepreneur. I know it was possible because if you go on Google, Pinterest and Instagram, people were sharing that it is possible to be a blogger and influencer and make money online and they were showing others how to do it either by a paid or free information. Who wouldn’t want to travel and write or take photos and videos and earn an income from it?
I am part of the millenial generation and that wasn’t the normal thing to do. Our parents showed us that we need to go to school, graduate, go to college, get a good job and then live your own life. In this new generation Z, its definitely not the way to live anymore because of how technology evolved in the last 20 years.
When I started my blog, I had a goal of 2-3 years to become a travel influencer since I was reaching a new decade in my life. What I didnt know was it was going to be a lot of work and patience. I really neglected my blog because I worked full time and when I got home, I had to take care of my 2 small children as well as cook for my family. I was already on the computer for 8+ hours a day so to be able to jump on my laptop for another 2-3 hours seems exhausting and I dont get the focus I need because of the kids.
When I finally left the corporate world, I told myself I will start putting more attention to this blog, of course there were other things that distracted me, moving houses, adapting new environments, supporting the spouse’s local business, build this blog and also my digital marketing business.
It was really in August when I decided, I need to get my priorities straight, which was what are the two main things I want to accomplish with this blog and how was I going to do it.
First of all, I have to be blogging and sharing it consistently and I wasnt doing enough of that.
At the same time, I needed to learn some technical skills like SEO and WordPress plugins what I need and why I need them. I had to learn and take action at the same time which is a big challenge.
I went back to basics: I need to start blogging again and then share it after I hit publish. My blog is mainly travel because I love it. but I wanted to add lifestyle as well because I can share about anything and one of them is living the laptop lifestyle and blogging is one way.
Here I am sharing this report to you, that I know will be valuable content as you start or go through your blogging journey.
I’ve read several bloggers website who was fortunate in sharing their income report online and here’s the 5 ways they make money with their blog.
1. Display Ads – This is the #1 way bloggers make money from. You can sign up with Google Adsense or Media Vine.
2. Affiliate Marketing – selling other companies products. There are many networks online but the ones that I like is Shareasale and Clickbank.
3. Sell own products physical or digital – such as online courses, templates, stock photos
4. Sell own services – such as graphic and web design, social media marketing, virtual assistant
5. Sponsored Posts – collaboration with other brand and bloggers/influencers

I have been blogging for quite some time now. I started my travel blog while I still was working my corporate job.
The 2 main reasons I started were 1) I was a Pinterest app addict and 2) I read all these bloggers about how they make thousands of $ money online with their blog.
I told myself besides hustling on my graphic and web designs, I can add this blog as additional income and eventually quit my job.
My vision of building this blog was to be a lifestyle entrepreneur. Total freedom and doing what I love while earning an income
Since I know I wanted to build my blog as a brand, I went with a domain, paid WP website hosting with Godaddy.
You can start your own blog today here at
You can always start with a free WP blog.
I started with a free theme and WordPress has a lot of them. It was very nice and cool ones i felt like a kid in a candy store. I was super excited to play and build around the themes, plugins and widgets. I love designing and building stuffs, that i should have been an architect. *Please dont overdo the plugins because it does slow down your website including mines.
I was a full time corporate employee and a mom of 3 so I rarely made any effort to build my blog. I couldve outsourced but I actually liked doing all those tech and creative things plus I also want to learn it from the ground up.
After months of building the layout and testing. Now here comes the not so fun but very important part , Content.
It was time to add content, the writing, the photos, the links and the videos.
I do love writing but I was like how am I going to write in a way people would want to read.
I needed to find structure so of course what do I do, google it. Blog post template.
Most of the blogs I read didnt seem like they used a template.
I noticed they were freestyle writing their paragraphs into a few sentences and break it off with an ad or image or video. From then on, I structured my blog post that way.
The other challenges I also had was how much words to write. How do I write 1000-2000 words that many bloggers recommend. At that time, I could only do 400-500, but the key is to keep writing more and youll eventually be able to write 1000-2000 words.
next challenge – Learning SEO to get traffic to your website. SEO is search engine optimization. It is not easy to learn but there are free plugins to help you out like Yoast and Squirrly.
Next challenge – creating pins to get traffic to your website. This is a fun and easy part of blogging for me and investing in the paid membership for Canva pro tool was a timesaver.
Next challenge- Create content consistently.that was not a simple task for me because i get distractedeasily in my daily life so what do i do, i created a to do list and plan my content.
*Making money from blogging requires patience if you are willing to put the time and be consistent on posting and promoting. This is definitely not a get rich scheme.
This post may sound like why would I start a blog when i have all these challenges to deal with, well maybe you should reconsider and read other blogger income reports.
The reasons that kept me going was I was solving my own problem and a lot of other peoples problem.
So many of us are always looking for a way to make money online because you now can do that unlike 10-20 years ago where you had to invest with a lot of money.
Here are my tips:
- know why you’re building a blog.
- learn from google, youtube, udemy, skillshare, pinterest or read other blogger sites.
- A blog is more of an informal freestyle writing and its easier to write this way well for me anyway.
- WordPress is the best to start a blog.
- If you dont have time to create and have cash, you can outsource. I would love to help you out. visit my website at for more details.
- if youre not a designer, i highly recommend this app called Canva.
- If you treat your blog as a fun business, you’ll want to keep going. i never thought people would read my blog, but there were and that alone kept me going to pursue my blog website.
So if you’re ready to start a fun and challenging business, a blog is for you.
Check out my which I partnered with Godaddy. One of the best hosting companies out in the marketplace to get a domai
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5 Vacation Spots That Are Worth the Money

There are a lot of choices of destination when you are going on vacation. The main questions are how big is your budget, what sorts of things do you and your family love doing, and are you traveling domestically or internationally.
Ask any traveler and they will have numerous suggestions, but here are top-rated places to go that should suit every taste and budget. The overseas suggestions will be worth a visit no matter what the exchange rate.
1. Singapore
This is a fantastic island-country and city with the best food in the world at the most affordable prices. The accommodation ranges from tourist to five star, all at affordable prices. Book online for a package deal.
There’s so much to do that you won’t be spending time in your room. The public transportation is superb, so you can get anywhere you need to go. Buy a travel pass when you arrive at Changi airport and head out for adventure.
The tourist buses called “ducks” will take you around every attraction in the city center, plus onto the river. Nearly everyone speaks English and the British influence is still strong. Try the chocolate buffet at the Fullerton Hotel on Saturdays and the original Singapore sling at the world-famous Raffles bar. Even the height of luxury is affordable in this paradise.
2. New Zealand
If you get a good deal from Air New Zealand during the “off season”, which are the spring and fall in the Northern Hemisphere, you can head down under for a song. They also offer multi-airfare passes so you can get up to six internal flights for only a bit more than the cost of the international ticket. You will usually fly into Auckland on the North Island and branch out from there.
For those who love the tropics, head north to the beautiful Bay of Islands for a beach holiday. If you want a spa holiday, head to the middle of the island, Rotorua.
Are you a fan of Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit? Head to Wellington on the North Island for tours of many of the locations used. If you love skiing, head for Queenstown on the South Island to ski the Remarkables, filmed so lovingly in the movies just mentioned.
Best of all are the backpackers hostels – you can stay in a Microtel for around 6 USD per night. The food is fantastic, as is the local wine.
3. Ireland
Ireland is full of fun, food and fabulous attractions. A flight to Shannon Airport is only about five hours from the east coast of the US.
Ireland is full of castles, unspoilt nature, and seafood. Public transportation is easy and cheap, everyone speaks English, and they are all very friendly to North Americans. Great bed and breakfasts abound. Expect to pay around $13 for a meal and $35 for accommodation each night outside Dublin.
Dublin caters to tourists, so it does not have the real Irish feel of Cork or Galway, but it does have a fantastic amount of attractions, including Trinity College and the two cathedrals. The youth hostels near Christ Church Cathedral are clean and modern. Expect to pay $20 to $100 per night, depending on season and number of people in the room.
4. Portland, Oregon
This is a family-friendly city with lots to do and superb public transport. It is also the gateway to all sorts of scenic locations, including the glacier Mt. Hood, where you can ski all year round. The variety of restaurants is as good as New York City, but for a fraction of the price. Don’t miss Powell’s – the largest bookstore in the world.
5. Nashville,Tennessee
Affordable, family friendly, with lots to see and do. It beats Disneyland/world by a mile in terms of value. There are seven theme parks within driving distance and attractions of every kind to enjoy, from music to museums – all at affordable prices.
9 Ways to Save Money on Food and Drinks while Traveling

One of the most expensive aspects of being on vacation can be the foods and drinks that you consume. However, there are quite a few ways you can save money.
1. Know before you go
When planning your trip, research the area you will be staying in. Check out the restaurants to see the price of the entrees and kids meals. Also see if there is anything special going on at the time you will be there, like Restaurant Week, where a 3-course meal with wine will cost around $20, or a Lobsterfest, Oktoberfest and so on.
Choose a room with a refrigerator and microwave. Plan to shop for the basics when you get there, such as milk and cereal, if you have small children. Stock up on snacks too. Bring reusable water bottles and water purification tablets if you are going overseas.
2. Choose your accommodation wisely
Accommodation can sometimes include meals. For example, many of the motel chains offer a free hot breakfast. Eat well in the morning and that can tide you over for many hours.
In many cases, you can also make your own sandwiches from the toast, bacon, egg and so on, which you can wrap up and take with you for lunch. Most places wonít mind, but just donít be too obvious about it. In this case, all you would then have to worry about would be dinner and snacks.
Other hotels and resorts include all meals, or dinner. This is usually the case if they are in a remote location. Be sure not to miss out and make the most of each meal.
3. Eat out on the weeknights, not the weekends
There are often special deals on certain weekdays to entice more people to come out to dine, so make the most of them.
4. Enjoy a big lunch and a light dinner
The lunch menu is often the same food, but far cheaper.
5. Go for happy hour and early bird specials
These usually offer the best value. And don’t be shy about asking for a to go bag. If the portions are really large, avoid the temptation to overeat by taking one third to one half of the food and putting it on your bread plate, and asking them to pack up the rest. You will save money and calories too!
6. Look for buffets
They will usually charge you per person no matter what the age of your children, but buffets are a great way to taste everything, and you can take some food away if you are not too obvious about it – like chicken fingers, sliced meats and rolls and so on that will be great for lunch the next day.
7. Pack well
Head to a warehouse store and buy granola bars or other snacks in bulk. Bring a reusable water bottle for each person. Have nuts on hand. Buy bread and a jar of peanut butter. The sandwiches will hold up well no matter what the weather.
Have a backpack to carry the snacks and water in. Bring a Thermos and fill it up each morning with coffee at the hotel. Bring a Tupperware for storing leftovers from buffets, or from your doggie bags.
8. Ask the locals
The hotel staff or people who live in the area will usually know whats good, at a good price. You can end up discovering some fantastic meals for great prices.
9. Steer clear of drinks on the menu
It is important to stay hydrated, so be sure to drink the water at the table. If you do have to have a drink, steer clear of fancy cocktails, and go for beer or wine. Drink one glass of water for every alcoholic beverage you have to keep costs down. Order one soda and divide it into the water glasses. You will get the taste without all the sugar and calories.
17 Ways to Save Money on Transportation When You Are on Vacation

There are a number of ways to save on transport when you are on vacation.
Plane Travel
1. Save money on tickets
You can save a lot of money on airline tickets if you’re flexible with your travel dates. A day or two earlier or later can make a huge difference in the cost. Tuesdays through Thursdays are usually the cheapest days to travel by air.
2. Consider alternate airports
Sometimes, flying into a different airport can save hundreds of dollars per ticket per flight. Larger cities typically have multiple airports.
3. Consider travel to and from the airport as well
Try to save money getting to and from the airport. If you take your car, you will need to pay for parking at the long-term car park. There might be cheap transportation to and from the airport, but it might be cheaper and less hassle to take your car if you have a lot of people and/or a lot of luggage.
4. Don’t overpack
Airlines can charge a small fortune these days for checked baggage. Pack each carry on for each family member carefully for maximum usefulness in the minimum amount of space.
5. Watch out for fuel surcharges and airport taxes
These should usually be included in the price of the ticket, but if you are booking online, that “cheap fare” might actually end up giving you sticker shock.
6. Book packages if possible
A flight, hotel and car rental for one inclusive price can be a good deal.
7. Collect air miles
Air miles can all add up to a big savings on your next vacation as long as there are no high fees for booking. Charges will usually be highest for last-minute travel, such as less than two weeks prior to departure.
8. Go in the off season
Avoid flying at the height of the holiday and summer. Try spring and fall getaways instead.
Going by Car
9. Make sure you have the car serviced before you go
You don’t want to end up with breakdowns and/or any costly repairs on the road.
10. Check the tires, especially in warm and cold weather
The state of the tires can have a significant impact on fuel mileage.
11. Look for good gas prices
If you have more than one option, shop around.
12. Pay cash for your gas
This can save you around 10 cents a gallon because so many gas stations these days are passing along the credit card company charges to the customer.
Coach Holidays
13. Go all-inclusive
Consider an all-inclusive coach holiday, especially if you are not fond of driving. They can be very cost-effective and offer sightseeing to top locations.
14. Bus passes
These are popular in Europe and other locations where people like to see the sights by bus. You could get a pass offering unlimited travel for 7 days, for example. Compare the price of the pass with the individual prices of the tickets between all the destinations you want to visit.
Train Travel
15. Train passes
As with bus passes, these can be a really cheap way to see Europe and the rest of the world. Note that some train systems will have first, second and perhaps even third-class options. The latter should be the cheapest, and reasonably clean and comfortable in most cases.
16. Book a cheap cruise
A cruise is your transportation and hotel all rolled into one. All you have to do is unpack once and relax. Before booking, check out each destination carefully to make sure there will be enough to do. Some will stop at interesting destinations, while others will spend most of their time off the shore of their own company-owned island for people to do water sports and other activities.
Look for last-minute deals and packages if you donít live at a cruise shop port of call and have to fly to get to your ship.
Planes, Buses and Trains
17. Consider group travel
Traveling with a group, usually 4 to 10 people, can really cut down on expenses. Larger groups can get the best rates if they plan ahead.
I Tried the 10 Step Korean Skin Care Routine for 30 days

I’m an Asian-American born and raised in the U.S. and all these years I’ve been using American beauty products. I heard about K-beauty years ago, but I never really got into it until last month April 2020 after watching Youtube videos and reading beauty blogs.
I was at the point where I wanted to really take care of my skin since I’m already in my 30’s. It was always dry, dull and I started getting more sunspots on my face. The only way to get rid of them was going to the dermatologist because I tried many things like microdermabrasion, glycolic peel and creams in the past and I never really saw results. I paid $100+ for the appointment and another $100+ for these 2 prescription creams. That was back in January 2019 but I didn’t try the cream until December 2019. I was too hesitant to spend $100 on creams that I was skeptical about. After using it daily, I noticed it was working when the brown spots were fading. I noticed one of the creams was good for a month and I’d have to refill the other one. I didn’t really want to spend another $60 for it so I stopped using the prescriptions in mid January.
Before I get into the details of my routine. I wanted to share a brief history on K-beauty:
K-Beauty (Korean: 케이뷰티; RR: Keibyuti) is an umbrella term for skin-care products that are derived from South Korea. The fad gained popularity worldwide, especially in East Asia, Southeast Asia, South Asia and the US and focuses on health, hydration and a preferred lack of pigment. K-Beauty is associated with the Korean Wave; for example, the South Korean cosmetics company Amorepacific sponsored My Love from the Star, a 2014 K-drama whose constant marketing of Amorepacific products resulted in an increase in skincare and lipstick products of 75 and 400 percent. The combination of increased international tourism in South Korea combined with K-Beauty products’ presence in duty-free shops has also worked to increase sales of cosmetics in Korea. – source: http://wikipedia
After researching online about the 10 step Korean skin care, I was a little hesitant of putting all these products on my face because I would only wash my face with just water. During my teen and 20’s I did use a cleanser called Eskinol and Neutrogena toner. I didn’t want to spend all this money on products that may make me breakout or may not even clear my skin, I wanted that glass skin that is trending. Anyway, I gave in and wanted to try it. I did a lot of research and I found a starter kit. It was tough choosing because there were several to choose from but I ended up buying from Sokoglam and I am glad I did.
I also noticed Ulta and Sephora are also selling K-beauty products, but I did more research and Yesstyle is one of the main places where I’m buying my k-beauty.
My 10 Step Korean Skin Care routine for 30 days.
The first week I tried it, I’ll be honest I really didn’t have all the products I needed such as exfoliator, ampoule and sleeping mask which meant I had to shop more.
Since I am working from home and not really going out putting makeup or being in the sun, I skipped some steps.
AM routine
- Wash my face with only water(warm)
- Water based cleanser
- Toner
- Essence
- Vitamin C serum
- Moisturizer (depends how i feel)
- Foundation with SPF.
- Sunscreen.
It normally takes me 5 minutes to do my AM routine and what I noticed is I feel more awake and ready to start my day.
PM routine
- Oil cleansing pads
- Water based cleanser
- Exfoliator (1-2x week)
- Toner
- Essence
- Vitamin C Serum or Ampoule
- Sheet mask (1-2x week) – I love the MedihealxBTS
- Eye cream
- Moisturizer cream
- Sleeping mask (1-2x week)
I don’t do the full 10 step in one night because it will be 1 hr to complete.
Exfoliator, Ampoule, Sheet Mask and Sleeping Mask is 1-2x week so normally it’s really 7 step skin care routine.
How I use the products:
Oil Cleanser: I have these coconut oil cleansing pads and I love it but it only comes in 20 pads for $20 so may need to keep ordering or replace it with a bottle pump oil cleanser. Massage it all over my face and neck for 1 minute and rinse with warm water.
Water cleanser: I put a dime size and mix with warm water. Massage it all over my face and neck for at least 1 minute and rinse with warm water.
Toner: I have a pump bottle that 1 or 2 pumps will be good enough to cover all over your face. I started to use a cotton pad especially to tone out my forehead and nose area.
Exfoliater: It comes with a mini spoon so I would put 2 scoops on my face and mix with water. Massage it all over my face with some warm water. It is recommended to leave it on for 10-15 minutes before rinsing.
Essence: It is recommended to shake the bottle first (7-8 times is what I do) I close my eyes and spray it on my forehead, left and right cheek and my chin. Pat gently all over.
Vitamin C Serum/Ampoule: Honestly I had to watch videos on how to apply this because apparently I was not doing it correct. You start a drip on middle of your forehead and drip on the left and right under neath your eyes. Then use your fingers to apply all over face and neck.
Sheet Mask: This is probably my favorite things to do even if it takes 20 minutes. I also was missing some information on how to use this product. After you’re 20 minutes is up and remove the sheet mask, you would just pat your face and not wash it off. I missed that memo. LOL!
Eye Cream: Your eyes are a sensitive area so I would apply under and on my lids with very little cream.
Moisturizer: I have dry skin plus live in the desert aka Las Vegas, NV. When I put this on my skin feels great.
Sleeping Mask: I only use this twice a week in replace of my regular moisturizer because its a very thick moisturizer.
If you’re wondering to start the Korean Skin Care routine, here are my thoughts:
Is it worth it? Definitely, yes.
Cost of products? Most of the product cost $20-30 each but it can last about 1-2months depending on how much you use it.
Process time? It can be time consuming for someone, but I think of it as my ME time(I have 3 kids) and self care.
I definitely recommend it because my skin feels better and brighter(lighter)-slowing even my skin.
I was able to see results in a couple weeks so I got my 12 year old daughter her first K-beauty starter kit and it’s also working for her.
Thank you for stopping by and if you have tried the 10 Step Korean Skin Care routine, let me know your thoughts in the comments below.
30 Things to Do during the Covid-19 quarantine
How many of you thought this year in 2020 was going to be one of your best years of your life or it was going to be the best year ever?
Well that was me thinking back in December 2019, that this year in 2020 was going to be one of the best because we were going to own a house, my 2nd daughter will be going to school and the husbands company will officially start. Little did we know, the America got a stay at home order for 15 days to slow the spread of this Coronavirus also known as Covid-19.
I never watch the news on tv, I would read it online but ever since this virus happened, I have watched about it everyday, especially from the federal government.
Our stay at home order in Las Vegas began on March 17 to slow the spread of Covid-19. It was supposed to be only for 15 days but when the 15 days was almost done the President extended another 30 days up till April 30.
At this time, I have been having anxiety, sleeping problems and a part of the reason is we just moved in and my side of the bed was facing the window with a street light (our backyard is on a main highway) and I wasnt used to things. We did have blinds but there not good. I was also hesistant on buying curtains yet.
All throughout my 20s and 30s, I was always working outside and it was finally nice to be working from home. After living in our new house, I felt tired of being home. I wanted to work at home but I couldnt feel productive or focused because of my 2 small children. I found my days as always cooking, cleaning, picking up after the kids.
After the 15 days, I told myself in April that I am going to do things I want to do.
Here are some things you and your family can do at home during the pandemic.
#stayhome for 30 days
1. Read books or ebooks
2. Cook (Since I’m trying to save $ and eat better and dont really want to order out, I have tried new recipes and so far they are good. #annacooks)
3. Bake (I prefer to cook then bake because baking is alot of work)
4.Learn an instrument (I am learning the piano and its alot like learning a foreign language)
5.Learn a foreign language (I started learning Korean on Duolingo app)
6.Organize closet (I personally organize it by color and then by type(such as short sleeve to long sleeve,etc.)
7.Update your home decor (I am into modern and minimal decor so I tend to like neutral colors like white, gray and black)
8.Watch your favorite shows on tv or movie (Thank God for a smart tv) btw Disney+ is $6.99/m, Netflix $12.99/m and Amazon Prime monthly $12.99)
9.Shop online but with limitations
10.Start a business online
11.Take an online course
12. Learn to sew and make face masks
13.Learn investing
14.Keep in touch with family and friends through social media, facetime, zoom.
15. Exercise for at least 30-60 minutes a day
16. Volunteer to help your community
17. Clean your house
18. Teach your kids or help with homework
19.Spend time with your pet if you have one
20.Make a donation box of your unwanted or unused things to give to your local charity
21. Make videos for fun (tiktok or youtube)
22. Make videos for your business
23. Do some gardening (pull out weeds or plant)
24. Play games
25. Hang out in your backyard if the weather is nice and if you have a pool, thats even better
26. Call your creditors and try to resolve your debts
27. Host a virtual party
28.Learn to write (I have started to write an ebook that I plan to self publish thru Amazon)
29. Practice Self care such as taking care of your skin health, time to yourself(no people,no electronics), I recently became addicted to Korean skincare routine and it does cost money but my skin feels better and brighter)
30. Pray and Meditate to God
I know were all not used to staying home but we need to for now until there is a vaccine.
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How to Start a Travel Blog and Monetize it

Travel is one of the top blog topics that you can start and make money from.
With the rise of Instagram photos and Youtube videos, a lot of people can now discover places around the world they never knew existed. Thanks to those Instagrammers and Youtubers for sharing their experiences on their social media profile, it makes us (well for me anyway) want to travel to that city or country.
How to Start a Travel Blog?
Before you start a travel blog, your #1 reason should be is knowing WHY you are starting. Are you starting it because you want to share your experiences, wanting to be a travel influencer so you can network with other brands and get accommodations, or are you trying to monetize it with affiliate products and your own products?
As for me, my why was I wanted to share my experiences and monetize it so I could travel around the world and check off my bucketlist. In the long term, I would love to become a travel influencer and network with others.
I love Instagram, Pinterest and Youtube because of the influencer showing their pictures and videos and also because I want it to be my new lifestyle. It’s a dream of mine to travel.
I was also heavily influenced by watching Anthony Bourdain on Netflix and other related shows.
To keep moving forward and keep going because life is too short.
I have to admit it’s easier said and done. If you’re new to the blog world and have little technical experience such as SEO and wordpress plugins, it‘s tough to get people to click to your website.
I can create visual content but having them to go to my travel site has been challenging.
Here are 7 ways I am able to monetize my travel blog.
- I signed up for affiliate programs like Amazon and it’s free. How I monetize? I searched for products that I have used and would recommend and I would write a review blog post and include the image and create my affiliate link of the product.
- I also create visual graphics of the products and link the actual affiliate product on my pinterest image.
- I add product images and text information as affiliate links on my side bar(widget).
- I created a shop link on my site where I can add all types of products. The shop is provided with woocommerce.
- I create youtube videos about travel and products I am trying to sell.
- My site is not only in travel but also lifestyle niche – tech, fashion and beauty, so I can offer more content to the world.
- I also offer money making online tips – like how to start a blog or how to make money from a blog.
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