How I balanced my work + life

Last Friday was my official last day of working at ATI. Its been over 5 1/2 years of full time office work plus being a mom to 3 kids.
I always knew I wanted to be a working mom but WAHM (work at home mom) or Momprenuer( mom + entrepreneur) about 7+ years ago because the internet was growing and alot of people were sharing their stories that its possible.
In 2012-2013 i went to spa massage school because i wanted a career change and spiritual life change. I wanted to be able to help people heal and I still do. one of my dreams is wanting to own a spa and make it a franchise prefer in Asia.
I started my massage business in 2013 and provided services part time up until September 2014 when i found out i had my 3rd child.
Ever since then I never had energy to get back to it and got comfortable in my Ati office job until october 2019.
The lessons I learned in my business-
- I never had a business plan, a plan b or c if A didnt work out
- I gave up too soon –
- I limited myself to certain clientele.
- I took some easy way out- I was afraid to fully market myself as a licensed professional.
- I should have prepared financially. I got cash in my bank account or in my hand everyday but i didn’t save or invest it instead I spend it so quickly.
I had to learn these lessons so I could prepare for this new chapter in my life.
It was difficult to leave a comfortable salary with benefits, however, the working hours and my passions/interests was not ideal for the lifestyle I wanted which was to work less and live more on my values.
My values have changed as I grew older and my kids needed me. I wanted to take care of my health,although i stopped being active after having Jaselle and Jj, i wanted to make my health a priority when I left.
I still wanted to be a morning person and so I decided working out in the morning is best and I feel so much better.
For some people, working out later in the day is better, i highly recommend a morning workout. I think you will feel better throughout the day and have more energy.
Spending time with people you love, doing the things you want most is better than making alot of money.
Everyone wants to make alot of money or at least have a lot of it in the bank account.
Time is valuable and you can always make $, you may not have the amount you want, but you can never make more time. Once the time passes, its just a memory.
I’ve been working since I was 16 and i chose to work at a young age because i wanted to buy the things my parents didnt want to buy for me growing up.
I’ve always worked and over the years you find things youre interested in but a few things stuck with me and it was always in design and computers.I had some side hustle jobs with it, but it was more of a hobby because I had to work to pay bills- car, rent, gas, utilities and whatever bills i had, kids needs. with the internet growing and what is possible to do what your passionate about and making a living from it.
I’ve decided to pursue it consistently but also work part time for my husband company-finance area.
I have alot of interests and so I never get bored because of who I am. I chose to always be learning and improving. To live creative and the kaizen way.
With all that said, how do you balance your work and life?
- if you can quit your job and have some cash for 3-6months expense, pursue your passions, if you want or need to stay at your job, that is fine too.
- Define your values. What are your values in life? family? health? savings/investments? relationships? career? whatever it may be, id focus on your top 3.
- Always take time for yourself and then schedule time for your values. whether its your family, your health or career.
Tools + Programs used:
Apple iPhone xs max-
Apple magic mouse 2 –
Apple Macbook –
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