I have been blogging for quite some time now. I started my travel blog while I still was working my corporate job.
The 2 main reasons I started were 1) I was a Pinterest app addict and 2) I read all these bloggers about how they make thousands of $ money online with their blog.
I told myself besides hustling on my graphic and web designs, I can add this blog as additional income and eventually quit my job.
My vision of building this blog was to be a lifestyle entrepreneur. Total freedom and doing what I love while earning an income
Since I know I wanted to build my blog as a brand, I went with a domain, paid WP website hosting with Godaddy.
You can start your own blog today here at
You can always start with a free WP blog.
I started with a free theme and WordPress has a lot of them. It was very nice and cool ones i felt like a kid in a candy store. I was super excited to play and build around the themes, plugins and widgets. I love designing and building stuffs, that i should have been an architect. *Please dont overdo the plugins because it does slow down your website including mines.
I was a full time corporate employee and a mom of 3 so I rarely made any effort to build my blog. I couldve outsourced but I actually liked doing all those tech and creative things plus I also want to learn it from the ground up.
After months of building the layout and testing. Now here comes the not so fun but very important part , Content.
It was time to add content, the writing, the photos, the links and the videos.
I do love writing but I was like how am I going to write in a way people would want to read.
I needed to find structure so of course what do I do, google it. Blog post template.
Most of the blogs I read didnt seem like they used a template.
I noticed they were freestyle writing their paragraphs into a few sentences and break it off with an ad or image or video. From then on, I structured my blog post that way.
The other challenges I also had was how much words to write. How do I write 1000-2000 words that many bloggers recommend. At that time, I could only do 400-500, but the key is to keep writing more and youll eventually be able to write 1000-2000 words.
next challenge – Learning SEO to get traffic to your website. SEO is search engine optimization. It is not easy to learn but there are free plugins to help you out like Yoast and Squirrly.
Next challenge – creating pins to get traffic to your website. This is a fun and easy part of blogging for me and investing in the paid membership for Canva pro tool was a timesaver.
Next challenge- Create content consistently.that was not a simple task for me because i get distractedeasily in my daily life so what do i do, i created a to do list and plan my content.
*Making money from blogging requires patience if you are willing to put the time and be consistent on posting and promoting. This is definitely not a get rich scheme.
This post may sound like why would I start a blog when i have all these challenges to deal with, well maybe you should reconsider and read other blogger income reports.
The reasons that kept me going was I was solving my own problem and a lot of other peoples problem.
So many of us are always looking for a way to make money online because you now can do that unlike 10-20 years ago where you had to invest with a lot of money.
Here are my tips:
- know why you’re building a blog.
- learn from google, youtube, udemy, skillshare, pinterest or read other blogger sites.
- A blog is more of an informal freestyle writing and its easier to write this way well for me anyway.
- WordPress is the best to start a blog.
- If you dont have time to create and have cash, you can outsource. I would love to help you out. visit my website at for more details.
- if youre not a designer, i highly recommend this app called Canva.
- If you treat your blog as a fun business, you’ll want to keep going. i never thought people would read my blog, but there were and that alone kept me going to pursue my blog website.
So if you’re ready to start a fun and challenging business, a blog is for you.
Check out my which I partnered with Godaddy. One of the best hosting companies out in the marketplace to get a domai
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